Professor Lance Larsen
Professor Lance Larsen has been a professional coach for over 20 years. He started fencing at Spokane Fencers Unlimited in Washington, USA, under his first coach, Jack Warner.
He was then trained by Maitre Leon Auriol who encouraged Lance to take up coaching as a career and introduced him to a school for fencing coaches in Dinard, France, where he was trained by Roland Genest and Jacques Reihles. After graduation, Lance moved back to Los Angeles and taught at Westside Fencing Center for six years before moving to London.
Lance currently teaches at St. Pauls School and at several clubs in the west of London as well as the City. He has qualifications with the American Coaching Effectiveness Program, as a Prevost D’Armes from the Ecole Nationale de Maitre D’Armes and as a Professor of fencing from the British Academy of Fencing.
Lance is also vice president of the British Academy of Fencing.
Together with Oksana, Lance coaches the adult and junior beginners and gives one-to-one lessons in all 3 weapons to adult fencers.